Digital Wellness: how social media is influencing your snacking patterns!

In the culinary world, the ways new food trends and recipes come about are very similar to the fashion world - it keeps evolving. A recent study published by the scientific journal Appetite states that social media users are more likely to try out nutritious or junk food after being influenced by their peer group and influencers.

Exotic ingredients, recipes from around the world, great production value and a trending tune is usually what gets us all hooked to those drool-worthy reels and social media videos. The excitement of trying something new at home leads to a binge spree of endless recipe videos, which eventually influences our snacking patterns and choices. While we may think that we have control over what influences our food choices, it is often not the case.

Our social media feed is often a frenzy of content split between different kinds of creators, sometimes making it hard to stop scrolling. The key is to practice mindful content consumption which is more in line with our needs vis-a-vis aimlessly watching reel after reel – which unknowingly influences your choices.

Now, let’s understand what influences our snacking patterns and how?

From a chef or nutritionists’ kitchen to yours

Unique recipes originate among chefs and food influencers that spread like wildfire. No wonder the number of Instagram recipes that have swept our social feeds in recent years and were prepared in our kitchens. While chefs focus on the taste and techniques of cooking, nutritionists are the health experts in this field. We usually watch their content for tasty and nutritious alternatives to junk food. They suggest the right way of eating on the basis of their scientific knowledge. Their claims and reviews are authentic; hence we tend to rely on their content more and make mindful choices. One such ingredient that has taken social media by a storm for its versatility and goodness are oats. With the addition of masalas, oats are a great add-on to your evening savory snacks. Masala oats not only have a great nutrition value but are well suited to our chatpatta Indian palate. From trying oats tikki to oats poha and experimenting with kathi roll made with Saffola Masala Oats, saw most of us don our chefs' hats and excitedly stashed oats at home.

Food Communities and Groups

Food has a way of bringing us together across the country. There are food communities and groups on Facebook and Instagram, where we connect and share our common love for food. Additionally, the best part about food communities is peer to peer communication which is more engaging unlike influencers where the communication is usually one-way. Community members keep a track of one another’s food choices and motivate them to opt for delicious and clean snacks. Such online communities allow for unique and experimental cooking among home chefs. Even our mums are part of these communities,
‘Aaj khane mai kya bana hai?’ is the ultimate question they have in their minds which brings about great conversations. Now you know when your mum cooks something scrumptious every other day whom to thank.

Your Inner Circle

Snacks are the new meals. Whether it’s Facebook, YouTube or Instagram we scroll relentlessly and are confronted with picture after picture of beautifully presented and mouth-watering snacks. Our friend posted stories about his/her recent visit to a Café this evening, and that makes us want to try it out. Similarly watching a lot of unhealthy food content can make a person consume more junk food. It’s up to us how to add a filter and consume what’s for your well-being, that’s called Digital Wellness. Being around mindful eaters will inspire us to indulge mindfully, so let’s choose our social network wisely.